Using natural history study as our educational spine and with lots of opportunities for play and discovery, we will immerse in subjects like science, math, poetry, art, geography, history and environmental stewardship and more! Bean Nature-led program provides a secular, multi-age experience in the best classroom ever – the amazing outdoors!



Fledgling Forest Pre School 3.5-5 year old MT BEan @ATeam and 1x a Month Saturdays

Earth Science Detectives SPRING BEan at A Team M T W

Thursdays Stevens Creek Program

Pre/K - 6th grade

Teen Leadership Camp 1x a month Weekends with Archery

Nature Science Outdoor Games BEan at A team M T W

Fledgling Forest Pre S

Fledgling Forest Pre School 3.5-5 year old

 At BEan In Nature We Consistently Encourage:

  • And Invite our Parents to communicate and engage with the instructors and the Director, Marisa, to ask questions, share concerns and jump into our nature community.

  • The love of learning opportunities with children, so they might engage in safe invisible school, outdoors, using safe social emotional behavior with our To Be commitments (Core Values), supported by professional mentors (instructors)

  • Children to discuss, listen and engage with one another, to develop explanations for observations and investigations

  • Child-led discovery where children can design and conduct investigations, and connect those investigations with their core knowledge

  • Children to hypothesize and test their own understanding of the natural spaces surrounding them, through supported positive and encouraging inquiry based teaching and guidance each child can engage in their own discoveries.




Ages: ALL


Dates: TBA

Time: 10:00-2:30 pm

Where: The Nest, Felton, across from Henry Cowell St Pk.; APrivate land base and forest we are priveleged to rent for our forest fun adventures

Whet: Come out and Play and Learn wilderness survival skills, Hands on fall crafts, get out hiking in the expansive forest with games and a plant ID walk

.A general structure of our day can include…

  • Thanksgiving Circle—Sharing words of gratitude, starting at 10:30

  • Awareness Games—Scout skills, blindfolded drum stalk, camouflage, animal forms, and more

  • Wandering—Outdoor exploring and harvesting and Plant walk

  • Wild Crafts & Skills—Let’s make a Fall Craft with wild our gatherings

  • Food - Come support our Teen’s in Biz! Purchase and Snack on

    • E ‘n’ E Snacks! Their snacks are organic, locally sourced when possible, handcrafted in small batches, made with love, and free of gluten, wheat, dairy, eggs, nuts, and tree nuts.


Our Forest Family FunDay

  • Gain Skills

  • Experience and Immerse

  • Create

  • Observe



Trial Day Drop-ins!

Come out and learn with us! See what we are all about.

Click on the Register Now button — Trial Day is one of the drop down options!

Ecology Science Investigations


Ages: Pre/K - 6th Grade AT ATEAM LOCATIONS

Monday Morgan Hill; Tuesday San Jose; Wednesday Cupertino

Participate in Project-based, Ecology and Nature Exploration Science lessons that are engaging and fun!

Each Semester and Each Year we follow the seasons, we use inspiring and current topics and curriculum and NEW curriculum each semester!

Learn by doing! We will be weaving in an amazing piece of Literature as our spine!~  Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Readers, Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots and Life Lab Garden Curriculum!

NEW CURRICULUM with each season! Learn by doing! We will be weaving in amazing piece of Literature as our spine!   We will use Braiding Sweetgrass a version for young readers and more! "Drawing from her experiences as an Indigenous scientist, botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer demonstrates how all living things—from strawberries and witch hazel to water lilies and lichen—provide us with gifts and lessons every day..."  "Robin Wall Kimmerer’s beloved bestselling book has been adapted for young adults by Monique Gray Smith. Monique is Cree, Lakota and Scottish, and is well known for her storytelling..."

  •  We can engage in BEan Eco Earth Curriculum topics, such as: 

    • Earth science, ecology, plant sciences: botany and more, sustainability through regenerative gardening, food science, green living, environmental sciences; biomimicry science and projects, stewardship studies and projects, nature connection time, art in nature creations, singing, storytelling, wild skills 

  • WE will document our learning in our Natural Studies Learning Journals and share our learning journey with parents in our Google Classroom!

  • WE will include video supplements and Fun Work to do at home in your Eco Sci Google Classroom!

  • We will investigate earth science topics and natural history topics!

  • We will inspire students using critical thinking skills and have lively discussions, using fun homework to learn beyond our time together each week.

  •  We will share our contagious enthusiasm for regenerative earth learning and engage in safe, engaging social emotional learning.

  • We will create art using the beauty around us

  • We often provide a direct, safe animal encounter with some combination of reptiles, amphibians, insect discovery and mammals from our BEan Home Zoo!

  • Curricula we access: UCSC; Life lab garden studies NGSS Science in the garden Curriculum; UCSC; The Soil Story: Kiss the Ground, Cal Academy of Sciences; Cornell Lab of Ornithology; CA Native Plant Society Nature Journaling; Nature Connection Core Routines from Coyote’s Guide Connecting with Nature and Braiding Sweetgrass History, Plant and Indigenous studies curricula !

  • BEan staff offers a wealth of classroom experience implementing and adapting curriculum for diverse students.  

    • Our ample resources/curriculum will always be our experience and what our natural environment in our invisible classroom offers us,  always changing and thus we will be flexible and dynamic as nature.

Fledgling Forest Explorers at A TEAM Mondays and Tuesdays

Ages: 3 - 5 years old

Fledgling has their PPP independence. I can poop, pack and play!

A Team Homeschool Community Tuesdays 10:40-11:50

Tuesdays San Jose

Our Fledgling Forest Explorers program begins the process of Nature Led Immersion in the early stages of childhood development. Our intentions will be to promote a sense of belonging in nature and all its creatures, as well as, connections with fellow students. Our Staff are skilled at nurturing the sensory integrative awareness skills for young children, and Parents have the opportunity to learn alongside their children each week! We plan to explore our expansive park or farm land bases at each class location.

Our creative, place-based, nature curriculum of the trees, the plants, the birds and all the natural spaces is the essential environment that supports and invites the child to engage in their mind-body-sensory awareness and immersive connection to self and each other, in simple and natural ways.

Fledglings will have the opportunity to engage in core routines each week, including:

  • gratitude

  • storytelling tea time

  • play

  • nature awareness games that creative allow sit spot practice

They will be introduced to focused themes each week, as we follow nature’s guide of the seasons, such as: shelter, tools, fire, camouflage, eco art, terrestrial creature investigations, wild crafting potions and medicines, creek exploration, wandering, and wild discovery of plants and flowers — exploring these with their peers through inquiry-driven content provided by the creative nature educator.

Example Schedule

Fledgling Explorer begins our day with the larger village community time, a Gratitude circle, and in song.

  • After this time we find a peaceful spot for snack and story, before we begin our wander, explore and adventure time!

  • We will share Songs, Stories, Wander, Exploration and Play with creative guiding from experienced BEan Staff.

  • As we grow our confidence, each Mom will support her learner. This program can be a building block for Fall where mom can rotate her volunteer time with other moms. Contact us with questions!

Each week we will gather as we trickle in, with our whole camp tribe, soon we will go off, for snack, tea and story. We will engage in adventures with our Lead Fledgling Nature Led instructor.

At times we will merge with our larger group, to celebrate food, fire, and share our story of the day. This intentional overlap in our morning routine, village days, and celebration days will cohesize our whole camp tribe in simple sweet ways.

Stevens Creek Adventures; THURSDAYS

​Ages: 5.5-8.5; AND 9-14 years

Project-based and environmental-related lessons that are engaging and fun; all the while weaving in epic survival skills, ancestral living skills, and natural history education! Low Cost Trial TBA inquire

We can engage in BEan Earth Curriculum topics, such as: 

  • Earth science, ecology, plant sciences: botany and more, sustainability through regenerative gardening, food science, green living, environmental sciences; biomimicry science and projects, stewardship studies and projects, nature connection time, art in nature creations, singing, storytelling, wild skills 

  • WE will document our learning in our Natural Studies Learning Journals

  • We will investigate earth science topics and natural history topics!

  • We will inspire students using critical thinking skills and have lively discussions

  • We will read natural history stories and share from Braiding Sweetgrass for younger learners.

  •  We will share our contagious enthusiasm for regenerative earth learning and engage in safe, engaging social emotional learning.

  • We will create art using the beauty around us and art media.

We will offer a vast education outdoors, immersing students in a learning environment, in ways that traditional models can’t. With a whole-child-led focus, students become invested in their education and foster a lifelong relationship with the land, their mentors and classmates, and the community. Here students are supported to push their own boundaries through safe mentor-led supported risks, thereby teaching them independence, confidence, resilience, and perseverance.  

Offering more in an outdoor environment allows children to develop a strong sense of self and a natural love of science, creativity, writing, natural history, and more. In this design, children are naturally accessing their whole imaginations, incorporating their whole focus while growing into amazing earth stewards. 

Our curriculum is full of opportunity, just like the natural world, and we plan on being flexible and opportunistic just as we would on any trip into the wilderness!

Thanksgiving circle at the beginning of each day

  • Team Building activities

  • Experiential nature awareness games

  • Animal-life and habitat discovery: adaptations, life cycles, tracking, and discovery  through the seasons with use of field guides as our tools

  • Bird-life discovery: language and identification

  • Time for unstructured play, discovery and investigation

  • Story of the day - sharing our journey and adventures at the end of our day together

  • ​Nature Journaling and Science investigations and Writing with nature; discovering the beauty around us

  • Becoming Ecology Journalists

  • Creating Poetry

  • Nature sketching and journaling

  • Naturalist sit-spot discovery 

  • Art with wild crafting, clay, water colors and more 

  • Natural History

  • Field guide discovery

  • Environmental Stewardship

Does your Tw/Teen (TNT) want desire to be part of an amazing TEEN Leadership, Stewardship and ReGenerative Earth Immersion and Backpacking program WITH ARCHERY? 

  • Tween/Teen (TNT) Nature-Led Leader In Training (LIT):

    Description of Tween/Teen (TNT) Nature-Led Leader In Training (LIT): 

    Leaders In Training will take an active role in becoming a BEan IN NATURE community of natural stewards! We will work with expert outdoor naturalists and educators learning Nature Led connection through wilderness experiential studies, engaging in active safe social emotional core values.

    We want to support our Tw/Teens to gain confidence, independence and meet new friends and old ones, while having amazing epic adventures each day with us!

    Our BEan Leaders In Training program is a dual program, designed to connect teens to Nature AND to each other, and deepen their connection to the earth. 

Space will be limited!

TNT (TW/TEENS) 1x a month Overnight Camp (OG family plz choose Fri only for PO)

We hope your TW/TEEN (TNT) can join us Epic TW/Teen (TNT) 1x a month weekends!

  • WHEN: 1X A MONTH: 2/7-9; 3/7-9; 4/25-27; 5/9-11


  • Friday arrival 4 pm (OG fam choose Friday day) and ending SUNDAY NOON

  • Where: Felton, Private Land Base

  • Who: 12 and up; TW/Teens (TNTs)

A major role for our Teen Leadership Events are:

  • to share contagious enthusiasm, epic adventures and amazing stories

  • to gain a curiosity for the outdoors and learn new wild skills

  • to support the desire to be part of a fantastic nature tribe

  • to connect deeply to ourselves and to each other, while building confidence, independence and participating in reciprocity for our earth and and its beings

  • Stewardship and Leadership on the land

  • We are planning our LOCAL backpacking trip for Spring/Early Summer now, as well!

Ollie, 13 -- 

I really enjoyed learning nature skills such as how to use a fire rod/flint and steel, how to identify wild plants, and plenty of other valuable pieces of information. At mealtime, we had hot dogs galore and after that we roasted marshmallows. In the morning we roasted buns and apples, along with a few marshmallows too, and during the day, (not including lunch, when we had sandwiches) we were free to forage the billberries (basically CA blueberries)  and blackberries that grew there. I also made a few great friends. I would recommend this program!

I was looking for a program in which my son could level-up his nature skills - TNT Bean in Nature fit the bill! We've been very happy with the program. Marisa and her staff are caring and knowledgeable and my son comes home from the campouts happy and excited to share his new skills.

Cost: We strive to always make this possible for all of our families! Financial Need: We have 1 Parent Partial Work trade open for Spring.

What will your Teen Participate In?

Hiking and Exploring Wild Forest Skills Day, Eve Cooking dinner over the fire, Safe Epic late night stealthy, late night ninja forest fun and sleeping outside or in their tent.

FALL Stewardship will be on the land, learning permaculture and soil regeneration, with fun comraderie, connectiveness and skills! We will focus on a myriad of skills dependent on the weather and flow of our natural environment

  • Mastering fundamental skills each month, group core values and independence, and deep land connection .

  • Hiking in the Redwood Forest habitats and creek life near us; Macro Invertebrate ID, Bird Language and ID, Wilderness tool making, Leatherwork, First Aid med making, , Wild Plants ID, Wild Crafts, Mushroom ID, and Field ID more

  • Lessons will be mixed with activities and games designed to grow connection, stealth and camouflage, balance, and fun. 

PREREQUISITES: Tweens and Teens (TNTs) 12 and up,

Your teen can register to learn amazing wild skills and step into mentoring and leadership together as a tribe while having loads of fun with other TW/Teens (TNTs).

This program design will build on existing skills and support the learning of wild skills, games and projects.

We want to support our Teens to gain confidence, independence and meet new friends and old ones, while having amazing epic adventures each day with us!

Want CPR and First Aid
additional training?

Taught by an amazing instructor ALL ON ZOOM! Share with Nicole you heard about here program through BEan!

Nicole Roma Thurrell, CTRS, WEMT
Institute for Wild Med


Nature Science Outdoor Games

Ages: K - 6th Grade AT ATEAM LOCATIONS

Mondays Morgan Hill, Tuesdays San Jose; Wednesdays San Jose

Students will be guided in an immersive and engaging outdoor class environment that invites students into mind-body awareness and engaged learning and Fun Hog, Dirt Time Active Games

  • Nature Immersion outdoor games will be an immersive and engaging outdoor class environment 

  • It will be Inviting for students to access full mind-body awareness and an engaged nature immersion learning with dynamic exercise, fun and continued  activity 

  • Our nature games will be tailored, most often, to the lesson or topic we are working on, as well as, usefully to engage in kinesthetic learning and sensory awareness

Students will engage in Wild Sci skills useful for the explorer

  • Sharing Animal identification and investigations!

    • Wild play and forest skills movement!

    • Stealth and Scout Skills-silent movement and games, 

    • Teaching games with balance, physical exercise through fun and cooperative play and with mild competition at times, but not a primary game focus

Ages: 5-9 years Saturday 1x a month; 10-2 pm

Our Forest School Friends meet: 1/24;2/15;3;22;4/12; and 5/30-6/1 ~ Our Weekend Family Camp: Location TBA-locally

Saturday 1x a month; We will meet up at a woodside home private property and Huddart Park, Woodside!

Forest School Friend Saturday program begins the process of Nature Led Immersion in the early stages of childhood development. Our intentions will be to promote a sense of belonging in nature and all its creatures, and each other. Mrs. Bean is skilled at nurturing the nature sensory integrative awareness skills for young children. 1 Parent or Adult will have the opportunity to learn alongside the children, rotating in each week to support the class design.

Our creative, place-based, nature curriculum of the trees, the plants, the birds and all the natural spaces is the essential environment that supports and invites the child to engage in their mind-body-sensory awareness and immersive connection to self and each other, in simple and natural ways.

Forest School friends will have the opportunity to engage in CORE ROUTINES each week, including:

  • gratitude and song circle

  • storytelling tea time

  • yoga animal forms

  • wild play and adventurous wanders

  • nature awareness games

  • creative sit spot time

  • art with a myriad of textitles

  • closing circle

Children will be introduced to focused themes each week, we will announce in your parent email prior to class start. We will follow nature’s guide of the seasons in our planning and see what our Earth provides for us, to create outdoor time with: wild art, wild play, tree exploration with safe climbing and exploring, shelter, tools, fire, camouflage, eco art, terrestrial creature investigations, wild crafting potions and medicines, creek exploration, wandering, and wild discovery of plants and flowers — exploring these with their peers through inquiry-driven content provided by the creative nature educator.

Example Schedule

Forest School Friends begins our day in Gratitude circle with our morning song and share.

  • After this time we find a peaceful spot for snack and story, before we begin our wander, explore and adventure in our place based site.

  • We will share Songs, Stories, Wander, Exploration Play , Wanders, Sit Spots and Art time.

  • As we grow our confidence our explorations grow longer and our independence grows too.

  • Contact us with questions!

Each week we will gather as we trickle in slowly, allowing our bodies to catch up and our minds to follow, with no rush to our morning start. Mom or Dad can join their student that is not yet able to stay in class without support.

Support Each Week:

To support the day Enrolled Family will rotate 1 adult volunteer time each week.