Safety and Security
Each year we create a team of phenomenal nature educators– each with his/her own inspirational life experiences and primitive and naturalist skills to share. Nature Educators undergo a background check and training on keeping children safe in the outdoors either with our program and/or with NOLS Wilderness First Aid Training and/or CPR training outside our program.
Our small camp sizes (max size of 24) and nature educator to camper ratios (1:8), as well as as our nature educator being assisted by 1-2 Teen Assistants for support.
All of the above to assure that each child is well cared for, that safety is priority always and that each child is always safe in our outdoor program.
Parent pick up designees must be on registration forms or on sign in page and each summer camp child is signed in and out each day.
2022-23 Mask and COVID-19 Guidelines
As we continue to plan and design our programs, we will continue to work closely with our park hosts, local and state public health authorities with their recommended health guidelines.
Your children and their safety, as well as their social emotional wellness, are of the utmost importance to us.
We are an outdoor program and Santa Clara County Guidelines do not require face coverings for outside offerings.
We do suggest face covering when NOT in safe physical distance, for all students and teachers who are not otherwise exempt,
OR as families see fit for their child to partake in outdoor, open space programs.
and We follow SC Public Health COVID-19 Decision Tree
Yearly Referral Rewards and Discounts
BEan YEARLY Referral Rewards
RULES for Summer and Homeschool program (with exception of A Team Eco Program)
Referral Rewards are earned when, current registered family. refers A NEW FAMILY to BEan IN NATURE and that New family registers at least one child in a program or camp.
Referral limit up to 3 new families per referral rewards!
Where do your $credits$ go?
TOWARDS SUMMER CAMP TUITION Schedule announced Dec 15
Summer CX Policy and Refunds AND 2023-24 YEARLY program CX
Summer 2024 Cancellation and Refunds
BEan In Nature cancellation policies are based on our investment in staff, course planning, as well as food and equipment purchases before your course. We cannot recover our expenses if you cancel. Nevertheless, we understand that we are in unprecedented times.
Cancellation Policy: If you cancel prior to April 15, 2024, you will receive a full refund of your payment to the original payment method, less a $100 processing fee for each session cancelled.
If you cancel fourteen (14) business days prior to your camp start date, you may receive a camp account credit for each session purchased, less a $125 fee for each session cancelled, usable for any BEan offering through August 31, 2025. All cancellation requests must be sent to beaninnature@gmail.com; subject IMP CX
No credit or refunds will be provided if you cancel within fourteen (14) days of your camp start date.
We will issue a credit for the remaining camp cost, if you need to cancel for an extenuating circumstance after April 15.
CHANGE FEE: There is no penalty or fee to change camps until April 15. After April 15, there will be a $35 change fee for the 2024 season. Contact beaninnature@gmail.com subject: CHANGE PLEASE
Year Program Day Cancellation Inclement Weather Policy:
BEan In Nature programs hold class during most all weather. There are occasions, although rare, when dangerous weather or other environmental conditions out of our control, force us to cancel our program in the interests of student and staff safety. During these rare situations, we take every safety precaution to hold program when possible by finding safety in other alternatives such as site relocation.
Typically early AM notification on the day of class, to allow for maximum analysis on the safety of the weather, air or other for us to be outside.
Due to these events being out of our control, we cannot offer refunds for cancelled days *Although, when the calendar allows, we do our very best to offer families, an INCLEMENT WEATHER MAKE UP DAY during the program year. If needed for a 2nd MAKE UP DAY we will offer our ZOOM WILD EARTH CLASS for the students that day when we are inside!
Some examples when a program may be cancelled or cut short include:
Wind advisory: when wind forecasts are predicting sustained winds around 35-40 mph, or gusts around 45-50 mph. Often wind is site specific and the decision to cancel program will be decided in the field on the day of program.
Heavy Rain causing flooding or road closures and site access due to slides.
Air Quality: Air Quality Index above 100 as determined by airnow.gov
Lightning: Lightning is also site specific and will often be determined on the day of program in the field.
Forest Fires: The location of the fire, smoke, and emergency services alerts will determine program status.
Earthquakes or other natural disasters. Hard to predict most of these.
If a program is cancelled due to low enrollment, tuition and deposits will be fully refundable or transferable.
BEan In Nature cancellation policies are based on our investment in staff, course planning, as well as food and equipment purchases before your course. We cannot recover our expenses if you cancel. Short-notice cancellations often prevent others from attending. Nevertheless, we understand that extra ordinary circumstances do occur. Please reach out so that we may assist you.
If you need to cancel a registration because you are directly impacted by illness or tragic event (even after class begins) we will not charge any cancellation service fees, less a $100 processing fee, and you will receive your the remainder purchase price as a transferable credit for any future BEan program, valid until the end of September 2025.
Year Program Cancellation and Refunds
If you need to cancel a registration after your child's program has been in session for 2 weeks, BEan In Nature will hold a 1 month of payment as a cancellation service fee per child so that we might have time to try to fill the open spot in the program .
If we cancel a class, we will either:
1. Give you full credit for a later BEan program good now through September 2025. (Accepting a credit rather than a refund allows us to continue providing these critical services and programs);
2. Give you a full refund minus nominal non-refundable deposit: Reach out to us via email at beaninnature@gmail.com and we will provide a full refund. Put “REFUND” in the subject line, and please know that it may take up to two weeks for finalization of refund, but we will get back to each and every one of you.
Program Day Inclement Weather Cancellation Policy:
BEan In Nature programs hold class during most all weather. There are occasions, although rare, when dangerous weather or other environmental conditions out of our control, force us to cancel our program in the interests of student and staff safety. During these rare situations, we take every safety precaution to hold program when possible by finding safety in other alternatives such as site relocation.
Typically early AM notification on the day of class, to allow for maximum analysis on the safety of the weather, air or other for us to be outside.
Due to these events being out of our control, we cannot offer refunds for cancelled days *Although, when the calendar allows, we do our very best to offer families, an INCLEMENT WEATHER MAKE UP DAY during the program year. If needed for a 2nd MAKE UP DAY we may offer a ZOOM WILD EARTH CLASS for the students that day when we are inside, or choice to join us for a day in our summer camp series!
Some examples when a program may be cancelled or cut short include:
Wind advisory: when wind forecasts are predicting sustained winds around 35-40 mph, or gusts around 45-50 mph. Often wind is site specific and the decision to cancel program will be decided in the field on the day of program.
Heavy Rain causing flooding or road closures and site access due to slides.
Air Quality: Air Quality Index above 100 as determined by airnow.gov
Lightning: Lightning is also site specific and will often be determined on the day of program in the field.
Forest Fires: The location of the fire, smoke, and emergency services alerts will determine program status.
Earthquakes or other natural disasters. Hard to predict most of these.
If a program is cancelled due to low enrollment, tuition and deposits will be fully refundable or transferable.
Volunteering and Siblings
BEan community building is key to our program; thus, parents of children in all program groups will agree, to volunteer, to come support their child's program simple duties for partial time. email us! beaninnature@gmail.com
Parent may opt in, or buy out volunteer time. Please understand, parents are supportive co- teachers, and the BEan Lead NatureLed educators and kids need the supportive co-parent teacher’s full participation. Parents with siblings may bring him/her. However in the older classes, if the child/sibling is a distraction, support parents are asked to redirect the sibling by removing him/her from the circle or activity so enrolled children can practice listening, speaking, and following directions with a minimal amount of distraction. We welcome sibling of same age, in class or generally same age, to join on parent-help days.
Outside of parent-volunteer days, parents are only asked to accompany their child(ren) to class if that the child needs extra support in order to have a safe and satisfying experience.
Each program day has different needs for volunteers, so your volunteer time may be time other than coming onsite for a day in nature. We are very flexible, we only ask what you can give and appreciate your time! …more info here as we build this new program FOR FALL 2023.
Environmental Service Learning Field Trips
A primary focus of BEan in Nature program is on immersive programs supporting social-emotional development and community building through connections to our earth and each other. With parent support and volunteer help we can have monthly service learning field trips support and shape children’s ideas that they have the ability to make change, and teach them how to be that change, by participating in ongoing Bay Area Environmental Service Learning programs. Students discover new worlds and build leadership skills in programs such as Save the Bay and The Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, to name a couple of the great programs available to us.
There will be no Field trip registration fees for currently enrolled families. email us if you would like to help us create Field Trips for Fall 2023 programs!
Sept 5-Dec12
Holiday breaks
Oct 7 week
Nov 25th week
Last day Fall 12/12
Inclement Weather Make up Days week of 12th
Winter Break
Feb 16 week
Spring Break
March 31-April 4th
(Inclement Weather Make Up Week of 5/12 make up dayz for Fire days/Air Q/And/Rain Storm etc- we may plan for more than 1 day if we have more… perhaps we set a WTH or A TWTH?)
NatureLed Outdoor
Stevens Creek County Park AND Park Hopping in the surrounding areas - we coordinate with our parents and give a calendar
Wednesdays; 10-3
5-8. 5 and 9-12
TNT Program
1x a month weekends Fall
SPRING Cost will include 3 weekends with Backpacking
Marisa AND Katie will be creating and possibly facilitatingBEan Eco Earth Garden Investigations, Earth Science Detective nd Nature Sci Outdoor Games
SBEan IN NATURE @ A TEAM HOMESCHOOL Programs locations/calendars
What happens if plans change? How do I cancel my enrollment? Will I receive a refund?
See above CX Policies
How our programs work with grouping and activities during or after Covid-19?
As the news continues to evolve, we all will keep making the best decisions we can for our families and our staff.
Here are our current 2023 Covid Guidelines
2023 Mask and Covid Guidelines
We are an outdoor program, Santa Clara County Park Guidelines do not require face coverings for outside offerings.
We do suggest face covering when NOT in safe physical distance, for all students who are not otherwise exempt,
And as families see fit for their child to partake in our outdoor open space programs.
As we continue to plan and design our programs, we will continue to work closely with our park hosts, local and state public health authorities with their recommended health guidelines. Your children and their safety are utmost important to us.
You are outdoors, what kind of Bathroom Facilities do you have at your sites?
On private property we will have porta potties used with cleaning protocol as guided.
Hand washing stations will be open in an ample number of areas at private and county land bases, as well as, easy access to safe healthy hand sanitizers.
Snack and Lunch time will be in physical distance and snacks and lunches will be guided to not be shared.
At county parks, there is use of their bathroom facilities.
We will send out our Parent & Camper Handbook the week before your scheduled camp session with any updated protocols.
How our summer program works with grouping and activities:
If you are a parent of a younger or an older child you might be asking, how will my child be served best in the age span offered?
Our camps are ran with 2 adult mentors, an adult seasoned instructor and a seasoned superb teen assistant. The Groups, Fledglings, youngers and olders, are woven together for morning circle and games, after this, your campers launch off for the day to spend time with their own age group often working side by side in activities or in tandem, but more developmentally aligned with your child's own age group. If our camp is quite small, teaching to the smaller group, is supported with a seasoned instructor and a seasoned teen assistant.
What should I pack for camp?
Lunch and snacks Pack enough for a full and active day. BEan In Nature is a peanut-free camp; please do not pack peanut products.
Water bottle We recommend a water bottle that is at least 12 oz. While many parks have water fountains, our activities often take us down trails or into areas where fountains are not readily available.
A sweater or jacket While we live in a mild climate, the weather can change rapidly. Wool and synthetics are advised since they do not absorb moisture the same way cotton does. Our programs typically go outside every day, rain or shine. Please pack rain gear if the weather predicts rain (water-proof jacket, pants, and boots).
Layers / change of clothes Having an extra long sleeve shirt, a warm hat, and a pair of pants can make the difference between a happy kid and a not-so-happy one when the weather changes. At the end of the day, expect kids that might be wet, muddy, and/or covered in poison oak. You may wish to bring a change of clothes for the ride home.
Long pants Long pants help provide protection from thorns and poison oak.
Sturdy, but worn in closed toe shoes Comfort is key, but we suggest something that is water resistant with a little ankle support.
Sunscreen / hat Sunburns are possible, even on cloudy days! Please pack some form of sun protection.
Carving knife (depending on camp and will be announced in your welcome letter) Campers are welcome to bring their own knives, although we have loaner knives available for any carving activities. Knives should be non-serrated with a fixed or locking blade. Note that we may or may not engage in carving activities depending on the camp theme and group needs. This is at the sole discretion of the instructor. If you have any questions about choosing a knife, please feel free to ask us. We like Opinel for the younger students and Swedish Mora knives for the Older students.
Do you have safety policies?
Yes! Often, people don't understand true risk in many activities because they lack experience. Our policies look at every potential risk and lateral contingency. Ironically, what we do has a lower statistical risk than youth martial arts, dance, sports or gymnastics, yet we feel we focus more on mitigating our hazards than many organizations in those fields.
Each year we create a team of phenomenal nature educators– each with his/her own inspirational life experiences and ancestral skills and naturalist skills to share. When out on the land, working with raw materials and the rugged terrain, we Nature Led instructors know there is risk for involved. At BEan we have been trained to mitigate the risks for ourselves and especially for our students.
Safety is primary in our BEan program. We train for Wilderness Safety, CPR and First Aid regularly. We want to assure you, that each child is well cared for, that safety is priority always and that each child is always safe in our outdoor program.
What is your safety policy after Covid-19?
Again, as we continue to plan and design our programs, we will continue to work closely with our park hosts, local and state public health authorities with their recommended health guidelines. Your children and their safety are utmost important to us.
Do you have trainings for your instructors?
We do seasonal safety trainings. Instructors, as well as our TEEN assistants, working near emergency services are required to be up to date on first-aid and CPR certifications, including Epi-Pen. If operating in an area more than 40 minutes from emergency services, we require a Wilderness First Aid certification.
Furthermore, we review our safety policies in full, at each training event. But we don't stop there. It's one thing to have policies in place, it's another thing to have a staff that fully understands and assumes responsibility for those policies. We engage all staff in an ongoing dialogue as to "why" these policies exist. They contribute their own thoughts and methods to consistently review and improve them.
Can I add After Camp Care later?
We are happy to incorporate this as we grow. Contact us!
What are your After Camp care prices and what camp do you offer these?
Not yet offering, but please let us know if you want it for the future!
Why do I see small variances in camp costs for each camp?
We strive to look at each camp design separately to allow for creativity in all we do with the children and what we choose to teach. Each educator that teaches the children, creates their own project ideas and supplies are needed differently for each camp. Camps or private classes are also held to the same calculations to support the educators creative design and to support materials cost and teacher fees. We will always strive to stay in the comparable cost range of other great outdoor programs.
If my child is just going into 3rd grade should I put him in the morning 3-6th class or the afternoon 1-3rd class?
It is best to keep your child in the 1-3rd grade class until they have had 1 year of nature or have turned 9 after the fall.
How do you teach?
Experiential learning is the process whereby students “learn by doing” and 'hands on' and by reflecting on their experience. WE also call this inquiry based teaching, "coyote mentoring", where the student asks a question and we come to the explore the question and the object in discovery, through a series of thoughtful and inquisitive question about that object and/or question. WE use this style of teaching accented with “Coyote Mentoring”. Native communities do not send their children to traditional schools to acquire nature education. Instead, they surrounded their young ones with a mentoring within their communities. Jon Young, author of The Coyote mentoring guide, often calls this education system an “Invisible School.” Invisible Schools used everyone in the village and all the elements of the landscape to draw out their student’s curiosity and inspire hands on learning.
Each teacher brings their own personal unique nature education style and mentoring techniques create an Invisible School that combines the best of native wisdom and creative modalities to engage and activate the children’s passion and connection to nature. Children are naturally connected to nature, they are naturally inspired to engage and be part of their natural world. Using universal children’s interests and passions to engage them in practicing Core Routines of Nature Awareness, mentors improvise with Storytelling, the Art of Questioning, and a boundless bundle of nature games, activities, and challenges. Our “Coyote Mentoring” tools inspire children to connect deeply with nature and send them home with a sparkle in the eye.
Of course, a strong guiding principle behind BEan is that we provide quality “dirt-time” experiences that allow learning about nature to happen by interacting with it. This process allows students to build positive relationships with the earth, and to gain confidence and competence that will serve as a foundation for their own realization that they are not separate from the natural world and their actions can make a positive difference.
Are all ages combined or separate?
We have 2 program groups often. We weave all groups together in our morning community time and then we separate. This may vary in the summer months, and we may offer only similar age groups at 1 time, depending on the size of the group in total.
Do you have Tween and Teen programs?
YES! Tweens and Teens Next Level Programs
What programs do you have for Teens ?
10-3 Wednesdays Stevens Creek Palo Alto; Next Level 12+
1x a month weekends See TNT programs
Fridays at Foothills Park, Palo Alto
Fridays Felton Tween/Teen; 930-230 pm
What is the protocol for inclement weather?
The protocol for inclement weather is we go out and use tarps, work on our knot skills and work on our primitive fire skills. We had a great time last year with all the rain and only had 1 day of intense weather per semester, on rainy days less mild we use tarps and teach knots, for shelter. See our Inclement weather info on our CX Policy in resources here
Do you have any young teen or 12 year old girls coming from south San Jose whose mom might be interested in car pooling?
We do have families coming from San Jose. At this time our enrollment is just revving up. We can most certainly reach out to families for carpooling as the registration grows.
Can I stay with my child for the classes?
Families are welcome to stay and enjoy a day in nature at the park, however the primary focus of the teachers and parent volunteers will be on facilitating the richest possible experience for enrolled children.
The first day is the best day to check out the program, see if he likes it and decide from there.
Parents are welcome to stay for the first hour or so, for our "trickle in" activities and join the class for morning circle!
You are welcome to stay near by in the park, in case you think that your child will want to go home or need you during the day.
In hopes that after 3 classes, your is okay on his/her own. As the class is not designed to have parents stay with us for the whole day.
BEan IN NATURE always wants to offer the most gentle way to acclimate your child into our program, as well as, we strive to aim to meet your learner where they are at socially and emotionally.
When is the best time to hang out and be part of my child’s class?
Parents and siblings of children are invited to join group activities at the beginning of the class in our opening Thanksgiving Circle.
What type of volunteering must I do for my child’s class?
Currently we do not have parents regularly volunteering in our program. See our info on Fall 2022… parent volunteers… Although we strongly feel community building is key to our program; thus, parents of children in all groups are asked if they are able at times, to volunteer or come support their child's program. During this time, you will be a co- teacher of the group and the teachers and kids will want your full attention and participation. If you have a younger, you may bring him/her, if the a sibling is distracting to the group process, parents are asked to redirect the sibling by removing him/her from the circle or activity so that enrolled children can practice listening, speaking and following directions with a minimal amount of distractions. The exception to this is the Younger Group (1-3) where siblings are welcome to join on parent help days.
Outside of scheduled parent help days, we will only ask parents to accompany their children to class if we see that the child needs extra support in order to have a safe and satisfying experience..
What if I have a younger child, how can I volunteer?
If you have a younger, you may bring him/her. If the sibling is distracting to the group process, parents are asked to redirect the sibling by removing him/her from the circle or activity so that enrolled children can practice listening, speaking and following directions with a minimal amount of distractions. The exception to this is the Younger Group (1-3) where siblings are welcome to join on parent help days. Parents of children in the Younger Group often spend the day with their children beyond their required parent help days. You are welcome to do this since it is a great opportunity to observe how your child interacts with other children, teachers and the natural world. Outside of scheduled parent help days, we will only ask parents to accompany their children to class if we see that the child needs extra support in order to have a safe and satisfying experience.
Do you offer work trade to help me pay for my child's tuition?
Yes...contact us! We love to share work and offer discounts where and when we can!
What happens if my child cannot stay in the group or does not want to participate, or is slow to acclimate to the class?
Sometimes it takes time for the child to be without their parent and more time is needed for the child to feel safe and comfortable in group activities. We understand and will do our very best to support this process, and bring flow and cohesion to our group of students so each child benefits and feels comfortable and engaged. A comfortable 2-3 week acclimation time can be given in these circumstances.
What is my child has difficulty participating in group activities in general?
If the teacher determines that the child is unable to participate in the group safely or appropriately, parents will be expected to stay with children who are not ready or able to follow basic safety guidelines or who are not yet willing to participate in group activities. Teachers will determine whether children are able to participate in the group safely and appropriately without parent accompaniment.
Any child who is having trouble participating safely and effectively in BEan in Nature will need to have their parent participate in class with them until the child is able to function smoothly on their own. The BEan in Nature teachers and parents care deeply about inclusivity. We will do our best to support a successful and satisfying experience for any child who wants to participate. That said, in rare cases, we may be unable to accommodate a student or family, at which point the teacher and the parent would mutually decide to end the student’s participation in the Native Naturalist program.
We do know there will be conflicts and difficulties at times. This is bound to occur. As Nature-led earth educators we are committed to supporting and to guiding each student through positive, cooperative, safe, social-emotional growth and development, learning positive conflict resolution to support and form positive relationships. Each day we learn together, how to care for each other, how to care for the land, and how to care for our village ‘our program friends’, wild and human, all the while, learning and supporting positive, cooperative healthy exchanges and interactions.
Please reach out to us and help us know more about your child, so that we might better understand if our program is a good fit and how we can support you and your learner, if so.
My child is on the Spectrum, can you tell me if they might fit into your summer camp or day camp program?
We do our very best to support all children, in all ways in our outdoor learning environment, that being said there are times when we need a supportive caregiver to join the student's day, to allow for maximum success for the child and for the group learning each day and/or week.
We are in an outdoor field setting each day, with no obvious boundaries to our classrooms, for reasons of safety and supportive flow for the group as a whole, the children must be able to participate safely in a group environment. It is always our goal to support children to engage and learn, right where they are at, to be comfortable and successful each day. There are times when children may need more support than we can offer.
A good way to know if your child might need more support, is if they have been in an outdoor camp environment and had a positive experience? Do they need extra support in their school outdoor learning time and/or indoor learning time? Do they interact with others safely and cohesively, or do they need more support in group class settings? Do they enjoy the outdoors and want to be in an outdoor environmental setting? Are they fearful of certain outdoor learning? These are all good questions to review as parents and discuss with us. Please let us know if you have more questions!
The BEan in Nature teachers and parents care deeply about inclusivity. We will do our best to support a successful and satisfying experience for any child who wants to participate. That said, in rare cases, we may be unable to accommodate a student or family, at which point the teacher and the parent would mutually decide to end the student’s participation in the BEan IN. NATURE program.
What if my child has learning challenges?
Dyslexia: Although we do a small amount of reading, writing and at BEan in Nature, it is always applied and embedded in context and there is plenty of adult support for children who need it. We can easily accommodate children with dyslexia and many other learning challenges. That said, some learning challenges are much more difficult for us to accommodate given our context.
Auditory Processing Challenges: Because we are in an outdoor field setting, with no obvious boundaries to our classrooms (i.e. walls), for reasons of safety and efficient flow of the group the children need to be able to clearly and quickly respond to verbal direction from the teachers and parent helpers. Children with auditory processing challenges may not be able to participate safely and effectively in BEan in Nature. If your child has auditory processing challenges, but you still think that BEan in Nature would be a good program for them, then let’s talk.
Sensory Integration Challenges: Since we are outside, naturally, there is a lot of sensory input. We’ll be experiencing a variety of hot, cold, wet, dry, wind, raingear (crinkly clothes), and sights and sounds that may be unfamiliar to kids who don’t spend a lot of time in the woods. Children with sensory integration challenges may be so overwhelmed with stimulation that they find it hard to focus on class themes and activities. If your child has auditory processing or sensory integration challenges, but you still think that BEan in Nature would be a good program for them, then let’s talk.
General Challenges: Any child who is having trouble participating safely and effectively in BEan in Nature will need to have their parent participate in class with them until the child is able to function smoothly on their own. The BEan in Nature teachers and parents care deeply about inclusivity. We will do our best to support a successful and satisfying experience for any child who wants to participate. That said, in rare cases, we may be unable to accommodate a student or family, at which point the teacher and the parent would mutually decide to end the student’s participation in the BEan IN NATURE program.